November 21, 2019

learn some and think some and draw copper bonded

The promise of the springtime,
Of fragrant sweet perfume;
Is there within the tiny seed,
In the promise of the bloom. Resistance by definition is self-sabotage and procrastination its most common manifestation ". Spring is the season of birth. We need to be joyful in being alive to experience life and all its gifts and treasures.

" Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life -
learn some and think some and draw copper bonded and paint and sing
and dance and play and work every day some. "
- Robert Fulghum, All I Need to Know

" Don´t ask what the world needs. Remember, the world is different in Springtime and so are you."
- Howard Thurman

As your Adventure-Health Coach, I would be delighted to partner with you to see you ' spring forth '; to uncover the unlived life within you and to be there when you blossom and bloom!

. We need to take delight in the beauty and wonder and magnificence around us. Throughout the ages, humans have taken a natural delight in participating in Spring's approach and joyously welcoming her arrival. Engage consciously in your senses to honor the heightening of grounding rod your energy and spirit. Enjoy this natural catapult into a new beginning!

The bow kept forever taut will break.

The Promise"

Silently beneath the ground,
A seed lays still and cold;
Yet there within the tiny seed,
Is promise yet untold.

We need to welcome the spirit of Spring into our inner beings.
Rather ask - what makes you come alive?
Then go and do it!
Because what the world needs is people
who have come alive. The War of Art - Steve Pressfield

Do something intentional that allows you to access the thoughtful, meaningful part of being human. It is the season when life and inspiration and creativity arise from her season of hibernation. That is the best way to welcome a season. So many of them have your name on them but are you ready to receive them? Is there room in your soul for them or is your soul in hibernation, still needing to be roused from its slumber?

Sometimes it seems difficult to empower the Spring within ourselves. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. What are we heavy laden with which inhibits us from breaking forth into a new dimension of life, of playfulness, of wonder, of adventure, of exploration, of creativity? Why won't we SPRING FORTH into newness and joy?

What might you be tolerating, putting up with, that hinders your forward progress?

What might others be saying that prevent you from being the authentic you?

What keeps you in fear of taking a risk and experiencing something you've only dreamed of?

" Most of us have two lives.
Think spring, be prepared to bloom!

by Allison Coxsey


It is easy to love Spring. Between the two stands Resistance

Posted by: grounrod at 02:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 502 words, total size 3 kb.

October 29, 2019

Copper clad Steel Stranded wire a second strategy

You, too, can create that aura that makes you attractive to women.

Have you ever noticed the way your friends look when they're all nerrvous? TheyÂ’re looking down at the ground with their arms crossed, fidgeting, with their voices cracking and their eyes bugged out.

And when you give off that kind of body language yourself, women don't want to be around you.

Now, think about successful guys. TheyÂ’ve got girls all over them and some great body language going on.

So, what's the number one secret between those high status guys and the low status guys? You've probably guessed it... the alpha males are relaxed and in control when it comes to social situations.

Make no mistake about it... relaxation is the most important mental state for you to be in.

With that in mind, here are some pointers for you to develop the mindset and body language of an alpha male (and by the way, if you think they're easy, you're right... you can make these changes as early as tonight and have even the hottest girls clamoring for your attention):

1. DonÂ’t allow yourself to feel worried. Just let your worries go, since you canÂ’t solve any problem by worrying. So suck it up, and quit thinking about what might go wrong. Just live life.

Now, I know what I just said is easier said than done (to use an old—but relevant in this case—cliché . You've spent your whole life up until now dwelling on thoughts that make you feel worried.

But what is this emotion we call "worry"? When you think about it, it's simply the fear of what might happen in the future. Essentially you're punishing yourself by feeling upset before anything bad has happened. It makes no logical sense to worry!

So the solution is to avoid contemplating your worrisome thoughts anymore. Identify them for what they are... toxic to your emotional state, and... let them go.

Simply not dwelling on negative outcomes that make you feel upset will reduce 90% of your worries.

 Copper clad Steel Stranded wire a second strategy to relax is to breathe through your abdomen rather than your chest.

When you breathe, imagine that youÂ’re bringing air down to your stomach. Feel your belly rise and fall as you breathe.

3. Avoid nonverbal behaviors that are the opposite of relaxation:
- Raising your shoulders.
- Wrinkling your forehead.
- Fidgeting with your hands and/or legs.
- Tightening your facial muscles.

4. Relax all your muscles and slow down all of your movements a notch.

Alpha males generally move unhurriedly, as if they are in control of time itself. Beta males are nervous and make jerky movements. Imagine you are standing and walking through a swimming pool, where your movements are slow and fluid.

5. Relax your eyes and eyelids.

Beta males hold their eyelids wide open because they are so nervous. Their eyes dart all around. Instead let your eyelids rest. Look straight ahead. Only give things your attention if they grounding rod interest you. While you’re out and about, do the affirmation to yourself, “I am sexual, I am relaxed, and I am in control.”

6. If someone wants your attention, move your head slowly.

A trait common to many beta males is being so eager to please that when someone calls their name, you see them spin their heads toward the person unnaturally fast.

For more advanced tips on how to develop the mind set and body language of an alpha male, visit

Posted by: grounrod at 02:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 595 words, total size 4 kb.

September 29, 2019

Start with a topic that you know well and are passionate

Start with a topic that you know well and are passionate

If you are not excited about your topic then I doubt you will get far in writing your ebook. You may complete it but I doubt it will be interesting to the reader. If you are passionate about the topic you are writing on then you will be able to write most of the book fairly quickly. You'll still run into some rough patches on perhaps areas you don't know as well as you thought, but your excitement should carry you through those areas. If you are excited about your topic but don't know it very well at all, then that could become more problematic - but again the momentum of your excitement may carry you through to completion. Don't try to write something just to make money! Write because you are passionate about your topic.

I don't know where to start!?

Take a piece of paper and starting jotting down all the areas you want to cover in your ebook. Don't try to organize it yet, just brainstorm. As indicated above, if you are excited about your topic, you should fill up both sides of the paper with ideas. If, hopefully, most of the ideas come from your personal experience then jot down anecdotes that go with the ideas. After you have done this you may consider organizing your random thoughts into an outline or you may not. You may consider choosing the most burning idea you jotted down and start developing it into a paragraph, a page, or a chapter. Take your next hot idea and do the same. You may see organization as your begin writing. If so, then make your outline. If none of this works then reconsider whether your topic is as exciting to you as you thought or if you knew the topic as well as you imagined. Don't try to write something just to make money!

Use criticism to fuel your fire and not extinguish it

Years ago, a friend and I had the idea to sell our landlord tenant publication on the internet. We were going to create a web site and sell our printed Copper Bonded Suppliers publication on the web site. We were so excited, you would have thought we had discovered gold in our backyards. In our exuberance, we announced our grand plan to a few other lawyers that I shared office space with at the time. One of the lawyers - we'll call her Carla - her immediate reaction to our triumphant news was to coldly grounding products manufacturers remark, "Why would you want to waste your time selling books over the internet?" Ohhh, her words cut like a knife, deep into our huge energy reserves, deflating them momentarily. I can still hear that nasal voice forcing out those ridiculous words today and it still chaps my ass. But our fire was only extinguished for a moment! We recovered with double the momentum as we now had the motivation of making her eat her inconsiderate words. As my buddy always says, "The best revenge is living a good life!" So if you overhear two grown men on some beach in Maui gleefully giggling like elementary schoolkids and toasting in Carla's honor, you'll know the source of our amusement.

Don't seek perfection immediately!

Don't make the mistake of trying to write the perfect ebook from the first sentence on. Revision is part of the process. My philosophy is to get something, anything near completion and get it out there. I affectionately refer to it as my Microsoft Product Launch Philosophy. I can imagine Bill Gates saying, "Who cares if it doesn't work yet just slap a label and some shrinkwrap on it and let's get it in the stores! We'll update it later." That may sound a little severe but Mr. Gates' bank account doesn't appear to be suffering.

Posted by: grounrod at 02:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 662 words, total size 4 kb.

September 26, 2019

Make a different copper clad steel choice

Most of us would move.. None of that is true. I dismiss them quickly for the same reason I scrape cold peas of my dinner plate, because they are cold and uninteresting.

First what is natural? There are two aspects to natural, first the examples taken from nature around us and next the notion that the way things are, even in the human (not natural) world are the 'natural' way they should be.

The main points at the core of the debate as to whether to accept homosexuality are: 1) is it natural 2) is it evil and 3) is it a choice or endemic? WeÂ’ll examine each point in turn.

Finally, is homosexuality a choice? Why ask the question? We ask because if it is a choice, we can ask them to make a different copper clad steel choice. This is a classic example of the naturalistic fallacy which says that the way things are, is the way things ought to be. The truth is that heterosexual intolerance of homosexuality is the cause of the 'sadness' they observe.

To homosexual individuals, the main harm done to them by being homosexual is the lack of acceptance they receive.

Next we look to the idea that homosexual marriage is not natural since the heterosexual definition has been the prevailing one across the centuries. This fact is common knowledge, thus it is impossible to state that homosexuals became or become homosexual on a flight of fancy. We must prove harm to either homosexual individuals or to society as a whole. However, to borrow from the poet Andrew Lang, they do this ". They do not necessarily live reproductive lives, but either do all heterosexuals.

Having knocked the moral ascendancy of the conservatives down a peg, we move on to possible solutions to this problem. Throughout most of recorded history, divorce was simply, ‘not an option’ yet it seems that societal needs have forced us to alter that definition. Heterosexuals could choose to be homosexual if they really wanted to. In dealing with the issues at the core of the debate they have the best chances of evoking understanding, hence change.

First, let us set things straight. When faced with an oncoming freight train, we have a tremendous survival pressure to move. Heterosexual monogamists claim to be the patent holders on marriage because tradition, the bible and nature have provided immutable and clear definitions of marriage that conveniently agree with them. The empirical proof comes from asking: Why would any person willingly join a historically persecuted group if the pressure wasn't strong to do so? Throughout history homosexuals have been shunned and forced to lead marginalized lives. I’ve found that people who believe in absolute truths usually do so only because they are absolutely wrong. It represents a deep, long-term, and socially recognized relationship between two people. In the case of homosexuals, societal pressures can cause individuals to use their pure choice to over-rule their evolutionary pressures. I admit that I have little respect or patience for those who derive their definitions of evil from a book and thus outsource their thinking. To the religiously minded, they say evil is what God says is evil as given in the book of absolute truth. Most people believe in homosexual marriage-style rights, leaving the word used to describe this solution as the only sticking point to be debated. Many heterosexuals quickly point to the often 'sad' lives some homosexuals end up living. Good things serve a purpose and bad things do harm. Looking to nature we see some examples of heterosexual monogamy in say, the Bald Eagle. They turn to homosexuals and say: what’s in a name? Wouldn’t ‘a marriage by any other name be as sweet?’ They give them the rights but just wish that they’d stay out of their lexical backyard. Well, homosexuality is a choice but only in the same way heterosexuality is a choice. If we want the rights of deep, fulfilling, long term relationships to be extended to all humanity, heterosexuals must not drink the stupefying elixir of a ‘natural’ definition of marriage, because no such definition exists.

The traditionalists have also modified matrimonial definitions over time. Still, as acceptance slowly increases, we see many more homosexuals today live productive and successful lives. Conservative heterosexual monogamists have put their moral stake in the ground claiming that 'Marriage' is their intellectual property. Yet today we tell homosexuals that marriage is as it ought to be and if you want your rights, well then fine, but go do it on another page of the dictionary please. This categorization is relative to a certain frame of consideration. Imagine again telling many suffering couples that they were stuck together for life because the definition of marriage was the way it was meant to be.

To our society at large, homosexuality may have a reproductive impact, but on a planet of 6 billion, is this really an issue? grounding products suppliers If we really would like to have a discussion about harm, let’s talk about the harm of subverting this ‘evil’ impulse to be homosexual, only to have men live in a traditional marriage unhappily, hurting both himself, and his wife and perhaps children. like a drunk leans on a lightpost, for support instead of illumination". However, more often we see examples of harems (polygamy) and loose monogamy (infidelity, or pair bonding for only a few mating seasons).

Same sex marriage proponents contend this would be tantamount to the tenets ‘different but equal’ and point back to the inequalities such thinking created in civil rights history.

In order to determine the existance and severity of this pressure to be homosexual, being unable to jump into the minds of others, we need to empirically observe the effects. Yet, is this the definition that both proponents of the traditional definition truly espouse?

Those religiously minded who claim a divine definition for marriage point you conveniently to the Bible. I would like to see advocates for the broadened definitions of marriage speak to why homosexuality should be accepted in general.

Is homosexuality evil? Well first, what is evil. The proponents of a traditional definition can be subdivided into the religious, who claim divine rights to the word, and traditionalists that appeal to the naturalistic fallacy that the definition is as it ought to be, proven and tested by time. Thus the truth to the statement: “doggy packages make good eating” is relative to whom is speaking. As recently as 1997, Ireland legalized divorce, reducing the certainty of the ‘for life’ part of the definition. Yet, weren’t many of the biblical greats polygamists?! Clearly some historical modification of this divine lexicon has occurred. What is the traditional definition of marriage? The short answer is: one woman, one man, for life. Still we have a pure choice as to whether to move or not. In a thinking world, to show that homosexuality is evil, we must demonstrate that it is evil in one of two frames. If we subscribe to the belief that the way things are is the way things they ought to be then we are forced to conclude that the world we currently live in cannot, and/or should not, be improved upon or changed in any way. While the traditional definition of marriage does exist in the animal kingdom, it is a minority player amongst many other definitions of bonding.

So what the proponents of a traditional definition of marriage present as an immutable and timeless definition, turns out, upon closer inspection to be a shifting definition which is a product of the defining times. For those who are prepared to think about what good and evil really are, we come to the notion of utility. While they have a point on this issue, I believe that the semantic battle for the word ‘marriage’ is a bid to gain popular acceptance and I believe that their opponents see it as such. The fact that the natural pressure can be overruled does not suggest or imply that it should because most such individuals live lives with the constant stress of juggling conflicting priorities and are never truly at peace. What we refer to in common speak as a choice actually has two components, first a pressure and second a pure choice.

So are heterosexual monogamists the patent holders on marriage after all? Why do homosexuals want the word so badly, even if theyÂ’ve already got the equivalent rights? Homosexuals want the word for the same reason that heterosexuals want the word, because of its meaning. In the case of our sexuality there are pressures given to us by our environment, genetics and evolution and in the case of heterosexuals there are no other pressures which would cause us to use our pure choice to override this strong evolutionary pressure.. Imagine if we all had subscribed to this belief, as many did, when it came time to review our ways in the face of slavery. Thus to say that heterosexual monogamy is nature's way is tunnel sighted and uninformed.. Further, in nature we see examples of homosexuality amongst, say, male mice who often make female sexual displays in high population densities.

The ‘packages’ your dog delivers on the neighbourhood park are not good for you to eat, yet are gourmet meals to the community of flies.

There is much debate of late as to who is the patent holder on the term ‘Marriage’. Thus aside from the heterosexual discomfort it causes, there is no harm caused by homosexuality and hence it is not evil

Posted by: grounrod at 03:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1602 words, total size 10 kb.

September 23, 2019

They all say that it's the absolute one critical

So, you've spent all this time on creating your product and you've read all the advice from every marketing expert on the internet. You've discovered one common ground among them all. And they all do agree on this one thing.

Testing the headlines is critical.

They all say that it's the absolute one critical element to any successful marketing campaign. Whether it's the headline on your website, your subject line in your email or the first words you speak over the phone in a sales call. It's the most important feature and you should spend 80% of your time coming up with just the right one.

It's the difference between success or failure in any campaign.

If you're lucky to find an expert that is willing to share with you the exact details as to how he tests his headlines. You discover that it's the basic A/B split run test in newspapers.

Sounds simple. But did you know that most newspapers will not even consider going through the trouble of running A/B splits unless you are a major account paying for those high dollar advertising spots.

What's the answer for the average marketer that can't build up a huge marketing budget if he can't increase his sales in the first place.

Well, one answer that I've found is to copy the big boys in the corporate world. Use a focus group technique. Where you ask a number of people to look over a select group of your headlines and let them tell you which ones they prefer.

Let me tell you a story of one famous CEO.

His name is Fred Smith of Federal Express and when he hired a marketing executive to come in and help him with some of his branding issues... here's China grounding products manufacturers what happened.

He suggested that Fred Smith post sketches of 10 or more different color schemes for his airplanes on the wall of an office. He then asked numerous people to grounding products suppliers come in and look at all of them. He quietly sat back and watched which sketch actually attracted the most attention... one particular drawing kept bringing people back to it over and over again...

They didn't know what it was about that one particular color scheme but something kept them coming back to review it more than once... that's how he pre-tested the color scheme for that famous branded image of an airplane we all know and recognize as FedEx today.

A small focus group of people sharing their thoughts on what caught their eye.

If you have a small group of friends, co-workers or even a small email list that you can run a survey by then it could do wonders for your marketing campaign. I can recall receiving a email from a newsletter publisher that did that very thing about every portion of his newsletter.

He wanted to know which font his readers preferred over another.

He asked which font size was best for his readers over another.

He continued to ask these questions and he even posted the results and now his entire newsletter is -- you guessed it -- exactly like what the majority of his readers recommended and preferred.

A focus group could even do wonders for your headlines. The experts say you should write out at least 100 headlines and only then begin to start narrowing your list down to the most power pulling headline possible. Naturally your best headline would be the one that makes you the most sales...

But... after you've written 100 headlines -- which one do you spend money on in advertisements that actually charge you to run the ad. That could become a very expensive test. A focus group could help you tremendously save literally hundreds even thousands of dollars determining which headlines you should avoid and which ones you should work with.

Yes, headlines are the most critical part of any marketing campaign - so don't put money into any advertisement without first testing the Headline.

Posted by: grounrod at 02:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 680 words, total size 4 kb.

September 19, 2019

Made from all types of China Flat Bar Suppliers wood

The store had numerous standalone kitchen cabinets for sale, made from all types of China Flat Bar Suppliers wood. After pulling them aside, I then visited the countertop area of the store, and surprisingly I found pre-fabricated 5 foot countertops for sale. I remember seeing standalone kitchen cabinets for sale at one of the local home improvement stores. .

It was during this realization that I came up with an idea of building my own simple computer desk. This was easy to do since the cabinets had about a 3 inch area below the fixed base cabinet shelf and the drawers that was effectively empty space.

Back a few years ago I decided I needed to buy a computer desk.

Using a skill saw I removed two inches of the base of the cabinets. I found one cabinet that consisted of a top drawer and a large front door with adjustable shelves. Neither suited my budget or tastes, but I needed a computer desk. I then positioned the two cabinet pieces in my office area and mounted the kitchen countertop to the two cabinets using screws and brackets. Some were low end constructed, while others were more high-end constructed.

Note: Keyboard tray sliders can be found at most office stores.

Finding the Components for my Computer Desk

With the idea in mind I grabbed my tape measure and drove to a local home improvement store. After looking around at a half dozen furniture stores and department stores, I came to the conclusion that there were only two types of computer desks on the market; very expensive ones from high end furniture stores and pressed board garbage from low cost box stores.

Building a Computer Desk

With my desk idea nearly realized, I purchased the two kitchen cabinets and countertop and brought them home for assembly. I then found another cabinet consisting entirely of a column of drawers. I selected one that was aesthetically appealing to me and rested it on top of the two kitchen cabinets.

Finally, I mounted a keyboard tray slider to the underside of the countertop and my good looking and functional computer desk was ready for use. I spaced the two kitchen cabinets apart so that they were located at the far ends of the countertop to allow room for a chair and seating. I then made a height measurement and determined that the only modification required copper clad steel was to cut about 2 inches off the bottom of each kitchen cabinet. I thought, hey if I could affix a countertop surface to two kitchen cabinets I'd have a functional computer desk

Posted by: grounrod at 01:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 447 words, total size 3 kb.

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